
Monday, April 18, 2011

The Sleep

Mind is a bit complicated, the reason may be everything is interconnected. Interconnected !!
Are you an hardworker, who spends day and night in working?
Are you an Acheiver, who spends day and night in figuring out how to Acheive it?
Are you an Reader, who spends day and night in reading?
Then this article may suites you.....................
Basic problem with humans of above categories are, they know when to finish their task, but they really dont know when they slept atlast :) .
May be some of them has idea what will happen if they dont sleep well, but my question is do they know what will happen if this half sleep will become their Life Style.
I would like to introduce my friend here to continue our journey towards this topic. 
His name is Mr.John (John Mathew). Very Good Developer  and my close friend too. He has everything (Car, Apartment, Girl Friend, Good Parents, good Job). You know what everything got messed up in his life very recently. Reason is very simple he didnt have proper sleep for past 2 months becasue he got some new idea and working towards it.
If your Question is, will Sleep ruins a persons life then, answer is big YES.
The effects he faced in his life due to improper sleep are
1) Lost his memory (Begins to forget what he spoke, and to whom he spoke)
2) Lost his precence of Mind
3) Lost his Patience
4) Lost his ability of Creative Thinking
5) Lost his Energy
6) Lost his Beauty (Premature)
7) Lost his Girl Friend
If any of you are facing above problems, then i will tell you how he got  recovered  from these problems. Exception 7th point :) .............
  • First thing is sleep well..... (obviously)
  • Eat all Fresh Vegetables and Fruit
  • More Water
  • Try to be cool always...
  • Neurobic Exercises
Let me tell you why these things......
If you are not sleeping properly, brain cells will get highly damaged. Set of cells will die every day. Most important thing is you are not giving brain a chance to generate new set of cells (Due to Improper sleep always). So sleep regulary atleast 9 hours ( I have seen normal sleep time as 8 hours, but my recommendation is 9 hours for these people. Because you guyz are using brain more than other people does).
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits are to Enrich your brain cells and to activate those cells. Mainly to Energize those cells (If not fresh vegetables and fruits, try atleast Fruit juices but with empty stomach).
Water is an Oxygen generator. More and more water intake will increase oxygen supply which is essential for cells to survive.
I will tell the need of Neurobic Exercises in my upcomming article and also i will tell you how to do Neurobic Exercises.....